We are engineers, economists, institutional experts and urban planners who work hand-in-hand to provide access to essential services and improved living environments for local residents.
We will support you in all social and technical engineering activities, assessments, studies and master plans, project management, technical assistance, evaluation and knowledge management.
Our employees have extensive field experience, and have the methodological and operational support of Global Development at their disposal for all of our key themes.
Urban Planner, Specialist in precarious neighbourhoods and the management of socio-environmental issues
17 years of professional experience
Silvère JARROT is a graduate of the Institut d’Aménagement Régional in Aix-en-Provence. He specializes in the urban development of precarious neighborhoods, as well as the definition and implementation of interventions in urban crisis contexts. He has worked as a project manager in Africa (Djibouti, Cameroon), the Middle East (Jordan, Iraq), Latin America (Honduras, Mexico), and the Caribbean (Haiti) with institutional, international, and humanitarian actors.
As such, he has extensive experience in project management tools, the development of dialogue and consultation mechanisms, post-disaster reconstruction strategies, and the improvement of precarious neighborhoods.
In addition, Silvère JARROT has participated in applied research activities on informal settlements and the role of residents in the production and management of these territories. He is the author of several articles on citizen participation in post-disaster reconstruction projects.
Since 2015, Silvère has been working as a consultant specializing in the planning of precarious neighborhoods and the management of social and environmental issues (EIA, ESMP, RAP). Notably, he has served as a technical assistant for AFD in Mexico to ensure the integration of environmental and social considerations into a €1M project portfolio. He has also contributed to and drafted several impact assessments and resettlement action plans.
Diana Carolina
Environmental Engineer and Water Resources and Environmental Management Specialist
11 years of professional experience
Diana is a water and sanitation professional with over 11 years of international experience in optimizing water treatment plants, diagnosing, supporting, and monitoring water, sewage, and waste utility companies, developing sectoral reports, conducting technical studies on water and sewerage, preparing environmental impact studies, and evaluating projects and programs.
Diana has collaborated with both public and private entities in analyzing sectoral information and developing plans and projects with an inter-institutional approach in the water and sanitation sector. She has also supervised the technical operations of water and sewerage service companies in urban and rural areas, performing diagnoses, follow-ups, and providing recommendations for improvement in areas such as infrastructure condition and operation, network mapping, and water quality. Additionally, she has conducted training sessions on various topics for water, sewage, and waste utility companies.
Throughout her career, she has coordinated interdisciplinary teams of professionals for the structuring and development of environmental impact studies, environmental management plans, and feasibility studies, applying both national and international regulations.
Economist, Specialist in the analysis and evaluation of Development Projects
7 years of professional experience
A graduate of the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur le Développement International, Marie specialises in development economics and project analysis. She has thus developed solid skills in management tools and research methodologies applied to development economics issues.
In Colombia, Marie became involved with an NGO and quickly familiarised herself with the Latin American context. She joined Hydroconseil in 2019, where she applies her socio-economic, institutional and statistical expertise to projects aimed at improving access to drinking water and sanitation services.
She specialises in conducting evaluations of projects/programmes in the water, sanitation and hygiene sectors and contributes to evaluations for NGOs, development institutions and bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies (UNESCO, UNICEF, AFD, IDB). Her mastery of evaluation approaches, methodologies and tools enables her to adapt them to a wide variety of fields and contexts.
Since July 2021, Marie has also been a technical assistant at AFD for the implementation of the European EUROCLIMA programme across Latin America and the Caribbean for the management of water and natural risks. This has given her a detailed knowledge of the water and sanitation sector in several Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as of the mechanisms of international cooperation and its players (donors, NGOs, beneficiary institutions, etc.).
Engineer, water and wastewater project design and management specialist
10 years of professional experience
Sergio has a degree in civil engineering, and specialises in water resource management. He began his career working on infrastructure development projects in Colombia. He has worked with public and private sectors on the design and sizing phases of water supply and sanitation projects, and has also overseen their implementation.
Sergio’s extensive experience has provided him with a in-depth understanding of all the phases involved in managing a water supply and sanitation infrastructure development project, as well as the ability to provide technical assistance and advice to contracting authorities on local and regional projects.
He has provided his expertise to economic evaluation assignments for feasibility studies, as well as to investment programme planning and the drafting of procurement documents for infrastructure studies and construction (specifications). A seasoned and highly qualified professional, the assistance he provides to project owners is also informed by his university research and teaching experience in hydraulics and project management. Joining Nexsom in 2024, Sergio is using his expertise to implement project acceleration processes for Global Development Group’s clients’ programmes using agile methodologies.
Socio-Economist, Specialized in Solid Waste Management and WASH
6 years of professional experience
With a double Master’s degree in Urban Services and Human and Social Sciences, Lise-Ella specializes in improving access to essential services in ‘developing countries’. She joins Global Development in 2019 to contribute to water, sanitation and waste projects. Since 2022, she is also our ‘waste’ thematic referent.
As part of our Global Development group, Lise-Ella manages international projects with varied budgets, and she is involved in their institutional, organizational and socio-economic aspects. Her expertise in participatory social engineering methods enables her to work with a variety of audiences (institutions, operators, communities, etc.) to develop concerted studies and recommendations, thus ensuring the realism and viability of proposed solutions. She also promotes an inclusive and resilient development approach in every project she undertakes.
Her career path has led her to specialize in the solid waste management (SWM) sector. She has carried out several waste characterization studies (Latin America, the Caribbean, West Africa), participated in studies aimed at strengthening pre-collection services in urban areas (Central Africa, West Africa) or promoting integrated waste management (Latin America). She has also taken part in the development of international best practice guides for waste prevention, management and recovery, placing the gender issue at the heart of the approach (Maghreb).
Ingeniero, especialista en medio ambiente y saneamiento
4 years of professional experience
Geraldine es una profesional en Saneamiento Ambiental con más de 4 años de experiencia en consultoría ambiental, especializada en proyectos de monitoreo de calidad de agua, ruido y aire en la industria de petróleo y gas. Su experiencia incluye la realización de estudios de impacto ambiental y la elaboración de planes de manejo ambiental. En estos proyectos, supervisó equipos, preparó informes basados en términos de referencia, analizó áreas de influencia y llevó a cabo evaluaciones y zonificaciones ambientales para la industria de petróleo y gas.
Geraldine también ha participado en el diseño de sistemas de alcantarillado sanitario, así como en planes de uso y ahorro del agua para concesiones de agua potable. Ella cuenta con una experiencia significativa en la elaboración de planes de gestión de residuos sólidos para las industrias alimentaria, manufacturera y minera. En el ámbito académico, realizó investigaciones sobre el tratamiento de agua utilizando residuos sólidos de las industrias textiles y agronómicas, contribuyendo a soluciones innovadoras en sostenibilidad ambiental.
Institutional / WASH / IWRM / private sector participation / evaluation / action research / knowledge products development expert
33 years of professional experience
Bruno Valfrey holds an engineering degree and an MPhil in science. He has been a consultant with the Hydroconseil team since 1995. He primarily specialises in basic public services – drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, and solid waste. He has also worked on integrated water resources management, irrigation, energy and climate change adaptation issues. Bruno has carried out numerous studies in the water sector in the broadest sense of the term: technical studies, institutional and socio-economic feasibility, M&E, case studies, action research, workshop facilitation, management model development, cross-sector studies, and lesson-learning.
He also studied and monitored the construction of water supply and sanitation facilities in some 20 African and Latin American countries. In addition to his technical expertise, he is a recognized water and sanitation sector, institutional, and economic specialist. He has been involved in public policy development in more than a dozen countries and he formulated and evaluated more than 100 projects and programmes in 40+ countries (most often as team leader). He regularly leads consultation workshops with water and sanitation sector stakeholders and contributes to sector monitoring by helping to draft national and international reports. He is also a lecturer and trainer, and has published some thirty articles and books.
Since 2010, he has been the manager of Hydroconseil, of which he is currently the chairman. He also coordinates all innovation and R&D activities for Global Development.
Legal and Institutional Expert
23 years of professional experience
François Touchais is a legal expert specializing in environmental law, with expertise in water resource management, drinking water supply services, and sanitation. With over 23 years of experience, he is recognized by international organizations for his expertise and ability to coordinate large-scale projects, some with budgets of several million euros. He brings a strategic vision through a cross-cutting approach to institutional governance issues, as well as a strong command of national and international legal frameworks.
His skills cover a wide range of areas, including the development of legal and regulatory frameworks, structuring essential public services, integrated watershed management, governance of transboundary water bodies, flood and drought risk management, waste management, urban planning, coastal zone management, and climate change adaptation. François Touchais is capable of analyzing legal frameworks, formulating proposals, and drafting laws and regulations tailored to the needs of institutions. He is regularly involved in projects such as prefiguration, technical assistance, institutional policy evaluation, capacity building, and the development of national integrated water resource management strategies.
Throughout his career, François Touchais has worked for the Commissariat for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies (CEA), the International Office for Water (OIEau), and the Austrian Environment Agency (UBA GmbH – Umweltbundesamt). He has also worked as a consultant for numerous international organizations, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit). Since 2022, François has been working for Global Development and serves as vice president of the International Association for the Right to Water (AIDA).
Hydrogeologist, water and sanitation expert
19 years of professional experience
Jérémie Hedoin holds a bachelor’s degree in “Urban and rural water management” (ENGEES) and a master’s degree in “Groundwater” (UJF). Jérémie has a wide range of experience in water and sanitation and water resources. After spending several years in West Africa working on village water projects, Jérémie began specializing in hydrogeology in 2012 and has been working for Hydroconseil since 2014. He has developed strong expertise in drinking water for large-scale projects (Monrovia, Antananarivo, Libreville…), groundwater (Tunisia, Southern Madagascar, Ethiopia…) and surface water (Mali, Burundi, Sao Tomé…). At the same time, his recurring role as mission leader has enabled him to develop strong skills in team coordination and project management skills. At Hydroconseil, Jérémie has also been able to develop multidisciplinary skills in project evaluation, support for water and sanitation operators and technical assistance for the implementation of drinking water projects and social support components. Finally, he has contributed to numerous environmental and social impact studies, as well as to the development of numerous cartographic and GIS tools. Overall, Jérémie has mastered these themes in both rural and urban contexts. Jérémie has proven experience in around twenty African countries.
Economist, specialist in water, sanitation, hygiene and health education
16 years of professional experience
Emma has a Master’s 2 degree in International Political Economy (University of Grenoble) and 12 years’ experience of conducting financial and economic analyses in the basic services and public health sectors (drinking water and hygiene, education and health promotion, and social protection).
Before joining Hydroconseil in 2016, Emma spent several years working in economic diplomacy in the French embassies in Pakistan and Panama, and developed the ability to work effectively with all types of stakeholder (private, public, elected officials, associations, and users). She also worked in the health and social protection sector for 4 years, where she acquired extensive prevention and behaviour change expertise and developed information and communication campaigns (IEC).
Pro-active and good communicator, Emma is able to effectively participate in both strategic discussions and practical implementation activities in the field. Since joining Global Development, she has worked on around a dozen urban and rural WASH projects, focusing particularly on conducting economic and financial studies. Emma has used her skills as a financial economist to define management models, develop business plans and support public and private operators with structuring and sustainably developing their services.
Expert, Economics and Finance analyses applied to development
12 years of professional experience
Since joining Global Development in 2022, he has specialized in economics analysis and financial studies in Water projects and services. In 2019, he worked as a Response Data Analyst of iMMAP in Colombia. As data analyst he worked in the structuring, implementation and monitoring of the 4w humanitarian information system. In addition, he has experience in verification, correction and visualization of humanitarian data on behalf of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs-OCHA Colombia.
As a UNDP National Technical Assistant in 2013, Camilo mobilized his expertise in the realization of participatory diagnoses, economic and financial analyses, evaluation of effects, results, and impacts for interventions (socio-economic projects, creation, improvement of collective infrastructures, productive projects, financial projections, performance analyses) of the UNDP Poverty Reduction Department in the whole Colombian territory.
Thanks to his experience at the United Nations, he has a solid knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those of poverty reduction, economic and financial development, decent work, and economic growth.
Camilo worked at PADF (Pan American Development Foundation) in the mobilization of resources for the humanitarian response to the crisis after the Haiti Earthquake in 2010. He also conducted socio-economic studies for cooperatives and communities in the Dominican Republic. In 2011 as a project assistant, Camilo worked in the formulation of urban projects for vulnerable populations in communities in the south of Bogota, Colombia.
Water Resources Specialist / Water Supply and Sanitation Engineer
9 years of professional experience
Ignacio joined Global Development to work in the water resources sector, where he provides conceptual and numerical water cycle modelling support and conducts research on Nature-Based Solutions.
He has worked on projects that conducted hydrological and hydraulic simulations for flood risk management in vulnerable communities. In the southern region of Madagascar, he undertook two hydrogeological studies on extracting groundwater to enhance climate change resilience for sustainable water supply production. His approach often combines both on-site and remote sensing data to assess water flow through conceptual and numerical modelling. His resulting versatility and understanding of the potential impact of climate change within the water cycle also led to his involvement in a water harvesting project in Mexico for over twenty water stressed communities located in coastal and mountainous areas.
On the academic side, Ignacio was awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to complete the Erasmus Mundus Hydroinformatics & Water Management MSc (EuroAquae), studying in key universities in Spain, the UK, Germany, Poland and France. This training provided him with a toolset of hydro-informatics skills that he has been able to apply to water management.
Ignacio also holds a Civil Engineering degree from the University of Buenos Aires. He worked in Argentina for 4 years as an engineer in a range of fields, including transport planning, civil construction site management and hydraulics, and in both the private and public sector. One of his positions included working as a junior water supply / sanitation engineer designing water, sanitation and stormwater drainage for around ten small cities in Argentina.
Legal expert on water rights
9 years of professional experience
As a legal expert specialising in water resource, sanitation and water supply management, service governance and people’s rights to access these services, Laure-Elise has been involved in case studies in countries such as South Africa, Bangladesh and South Korea. Awarded a Young Water Leader prize during her Master’s studies, she continued her research by focusing on the national and cross-border issues raised by the Mekong River dams. Working in both basin organisation countries (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam) and neighbouring countries (China, Myanmar), she used an inter-connected approach to examine the issues posed by these dams and explore their environmental, social and economic impacts on governance, national and international law and resource management. She particularly focused on the social impacts and studied the resettlement provisions put in place for affected communities, as well as the institutional and legal measures available to help affected communities advocate for their water rights the event of cross-border issues. A strong believer in sustainable development, Laure-Elise advocated for compromise when responding to the economic, social and environmental problems associated with these major dam investment programmes.
Laure-Elise has published a number of academic papers and spoke at the 17th World Water Congress, highlighting the issues created by dams, both in Asia and Africa, while recommending tangible adjustments to sustainable development and hydropower policy.
Having built up extensive experience of raising awareness and lobbying on domestic water use, she joined the Water For Life and Peace department of the NGO Greencross International, where she helped formulate a project to improve management of the Jordan river basin. Laure-Elise ensured that the project took an inclusive and eco-systemic approach to river basin management, which included all its stakeholders, issues and governance levels. As a member of AIDA, she occasionally represents the association at UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme. In 2025, Laure-Elise joined Hydroconseil, where she is providing support to our Global Development Group clients using her skills in comparative analysis and adaptation to improve water resource institutional set-ups and governance.
Water and Sanitation Expert
7 years of professional experience
Antoine Guerry–Grivaud is a water and sanitation engineer. He trained at the engineering school of “Polytechnique Universitaire de Montpellier” in water science and technology. This training enabled him to acquire solid skills in the analysis of surface and groundwater resources, the production and distribution of drinking water, and the management of wastewater and stormwater.
Joining Global Development team in 2021, he has seven years’ experience as a project manager in a design office. His experience has enabled him to work on environmental studies to organize regional planning and the management of associated risks (particularly flood management), as well as on the management of aquatic environments. He has also planned and implemented environmental quality monitoring protocols.
At Hydroconseil, Antoine has provided his expertise for hydraulic, hydrological, urban planning and socio-economic assessments for drinking water supply and sanitation master plans or feasibility studies. He has also set up performance monitoring systems to support and strengthen water services.
As a multi-disciplinary engineer, he is regularly involved in the field, both as a project coordinator and as a specialized technician. Thanks to his good knowledge of geomatics, he has contributed to the development of GIS mapping tools. His assignments have been carried out for public and private operators, notably in Togo, DRC, Vietnam and La Réunion.
Economist, specialist in water, sanitation and energy
3 years of professional experience
Lola holds a dual Master’s degree in Economics from the Institute of Economic Sciences at Rennes 1 University and in Urban Networked Services Engineering from Sciences Po Rennes – ENS.
With three years of professional experience, she has developed strong skills in economic and financial analysis, as well as in project management, focusing particularly on the water, sanitation, and energy access sectors. With expert knowledge of the challenges surrounding access to essential services such as energy, water, and sanitation in developing countries, Lola joined Hydroconseil to support Global Development Group’s clients in the effective implementation of their projects. Lola specialises in designing and analysing quantitative and qualitative surveys, covering the entire process: sampling, development of data collection tools (both qualitative and quantitative), and data processing. She contributes to large-scale studies, ensuring methodological robustness and the relevance of results. She also develops decision-making tools for public policies, notably through financial modelling and cost-benefit analyses. She works on a wide range of projects, including the development of drinking water master plans, the planning of nature-based infrastructure solutions (NBS), and the implementation of drinking water infrastructures, from manual or solar-powered pumps to the design of faecal sludge treatment plants. In parallel, Lola has specialised in climate change adaptation, integrating this dimension into her analyses and recommendations.
Economist and Institutional Expert
2 years of professional experience
Garance holds a Master’s degree in Development Economics from the Centre for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI) and specializes in the analysis and management of projects within the realm of Official Development Assistance (ODA). Her education enables her to engage in the socio-economic development sector in Southern countries.
Garance develops skills in project management and analysis, enriching her in-depth understanding of the economic, social, political, and environmental challenges of development. She combines these skills with expertise in quantitative and qualitative analysis tools and surveys.
Her experience as a project manager for the WO.MEN.STRUATION project at the Afric’Avenir association raised her awareness of the difficulties related to access to water and hygiene infrastructure in developing countries.
In 2023, she joined Global Development, where she effectively contributes to the design and management of projects focused on access to essential public services, while providing expertise in economic and institutional analysis. She participates in the creation of a baseline to assess the link between access conditions to WASH infrastructure in Freetown (Sierra Leone) and the impact on waterborne diseases among the population.
She also develops an institutional comparative analysis of the different structuring models of water and sanitation public services in the Sahel region.
Water and sanitation Expert
1 year of professional experience
A water and environmental engineer, Sebastián’s skillset covers water management, treatment and governance, as well as the waste and environment sector. Autonomous and highly adaptable, in 2020 he worked on a project to analyse hydrological flows in one of the catchment areas of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, and was also involved in conducting the institutional assessment (stakeholder mapping, economic analysis) and defining the social and environmental implications of weaknesses in local governance (particularly water pollution) in a cross-border setting (Bolivia, Peru). In 2021, Sebastián spent time working in the field in a community in Bolivia (Bolivian Yungas) collecting data from residents. He thus made a valuable contribution to a project to ensure the community’s continued access to drinking water, and also remedied the lack of water supply system documentation by mapping the infrastructure and identifying issues. In Sweden, Sebastián worked in a research laboratory studying the influence of riparian areas on watercourses, which required dual expertise in soil and hydrogeology in order to analyse soil and groundwater levels. He also made a decisive contribution to a project to install and assess an innovative disinfection system, which was placed at a wastewater treatment plant outlet and based on Constructed Wetlands technology. In 2024, he joined the Global Development team as a junior water and wastewater expert, lending his wide range of skills to drinking water supply projects, particularly in Iraq.